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CHECK OUT the articles listed below that address issues and concerns related to assistant principals
The Influential Assistant Principal: Building Influence and a Stronger Relationship with Your Principal. Suggestions for First-Year APs
[ABSTRACT] Assistant principals (APs) who successfully influence principals to behave in ways that support their goals increase their chances of achieving desired resources. This paper describes how assistant principals can build influence and strong working relationships with their principals. To begin, APs must understand themselves, their principals, the nature of motivation, and the nature of the superordinate/subordinate relationship. Questions are then posed to help APs develop a profile of their principals' working styles.
General strategies for constructing a strong relationship include: (1) identify the principal's expectations of the AP; (2) take the initiative; (3) look for solutions to problems; (4) get information from others; (5) cultivate a friendly, professional relationship with the principal's secretary; and (6) respect the chain of command. Specific tactics are offered for capturing the principal's attention, increasing the AP's usefulness, increasing the principal's dependence on the AP, and giving the principal a reason to support the AP's activities and requests. (Contains 34 references.) (LMI)
Addressing the Problems of First-Year Assistant Principals
[ABSTRACT] The first year as an assistant principal can be even more trying than a teacher's first year. Becoming an administrator is a personal and professional transition that requires a new perspective on schools and a new definition of one's role as an educator. The first year as an assistant principal also is important in setting attitudes and standards for the future. Socialization to a new work environment is a major step in making the transition into a new position as an administrator. Teachers who become administrators must also deal with moving from the isolated environment of the classroom to the more open and interactive atmosphere of the administrative office.
Administrators must deal with the tension between teaching and administration. First-year administrators must also learn the school organization, define their role in the organization, and resolve conflict. Assistant principals also have to learn how to be in a secondary leadership position. Many new assistant principals feel overwhelmed and frustrated by the new role they must serve. New assistant principals must understand the transition to an administrative position, talk with other administrators, urge more realistic expectations for new principals, and engage in new administrator programs. (Contains 76 references.) (JPT)